Episode 02: Revolution
This was B-Side’s second episode. At the time, we were all living in or near Berkeley and that city certainly shaped this show. It was also put together in the weeks immediately following 9/11 and that had an impact as well. From Esperanto diehards to high-school idealists and Punjabi separatist taxi drivers, we bring you a show about revolutionaries in our midst.
Liner Notes:
Free Writing: Mia Lobel
The assignment: write for 15 minutes straight. The topic: revolution. The thoughts of high school students in Mia Lobel’s creative writing class.
Peace in a Time of War: Tamara Keith
With more than 90-percent of the country coming out in support of the war against terrorism, we look at how the peace movement is trying to sway public opinion.
One Woman Revolution: Katy Shrout
You’ve probably seen her on the freeways. You might think she’s a maniac, but in fact, Katy Shrout is a revolutionary.
Free Khalistan: Lyssa Mudd
The “Free Khalistan” movement is alive and well on the streets of Berkeley, but how’s it doing in Punjab?
Saluton, Amikoj: Dave Gilson
Esperanto, an artificial language created 80 years ago as a way of fostering international understanding and of course, world peace, never really caught on, but there are still some diehard esperantists out there, including a bunch in the East Bay.
On the xml page, there is no “download” link for this episode.
Marc: Thanks so much for the heads up. There was definitely something funky going on with our feed, but I think I’ve fixed it. –Tamara