Episode 45: Life as Work

Do we work to live, or do we live to work? For most people, striking the right balance between life and work is an eternal conundrum. In this edition of B-Side we explore the issue of life and work and B-Side‘s Andrea Seabrook talks via cyberspace with Heather Armstrong, AKA dooce.com about where the two collide. Originally aired in March 2006.


Liner Notes

Looking for Work: Allison Raaum
Allison Raaum has spent the last four months sifting through newspapers looking for work. A self-proclaimed workaholic, Allison has had time to explore exactly what employment and Unemployment mean to her – the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

The Map Maker: Eve Abrams 
Mark Adams makes maps. Most people use maps to find their way around highways and trails, but they can help us do more than that. For Mark Adams, mapping helps explain our place in the universe.

Working Really Hard Not to Work: Anna Cranage Conathan 
Anna Cranage Conathan is a writer and she has a serious procrastination problem. She decided to take it on. Her therapist suggested that she FULLY embrace her procrastination for a full 24 hours and actively avoid anything related to “writing.” The idea was that this forced procrastination would cause her to never want to procrastinate again… hear how that went.

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