Episode 51: One of Us
B-Side‘s Tamara Keith visits a high school to talk about the things that bring us together, the things that separate us, what makes someone in, or out. One of Us originally aired in February of 2007.
Liner Notes
Buckeye Fever?: Allison Raaum
Allison Raaum has lived in many different parts of the world. She’s living in Columbus, Ohio right now. Never before has she come across sports fans quite like the Buckeyes. A buckeye, in case you haven’t been indoctrinated yet, is “the shiny brown nut of an American tree or shrub related to the horse chestnut.” …but it’s also the mascot for Ohio State. Allison did some exploring on the night of the national college football championship game between the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Florida Gators.
Language Barrier: Ethan Lindsey
The boundaries that sometimes define ‘us,’ can also be used to create a ‘them.’ And one of the biggest divisions between ‘us’ and ‘them’ is language. From Berlin, Ethan Lindsey reports on how some German efforts to break down the language barrier, only serve to draw a sharper line between the two sides.
Who’s in, who’s out?: Molly Peterson
Producer Molly Peterson went to Oklahoma to try to find an answer to the question: who is a member of the federally recognized Cherokee tribe? The tribe has never been bigger than it is now, but tribal leaders are thinking about kicking some people out.
The Baby Club: Anna Cranage Conathan
Peer pressure doesn’t go away when you get older, it just changes shape. Getting married, buying a house, living in a neighborhood, and having a baby. Anna Cranage Conathan is feeling the pressure.