Episode 19: Messages from Family
Messages from the past, messages from the present, and messages from family… the treasured words and mementos exchanged between loved ones. Originally released in April 2003.
Liner Notes
1,000 Postcards: Rene Gutel
Rene’s dad wanted to keep in touch when she went away to college, so he sent her a postcard. And then another, and another, and another.
The Last Message: Jeff Chorney
When you leave a message on an answering machine or drop a card in the mail the words aren’t usually carefully planned and thought out. But what if that call or card became the last communication you ever had with someone you love.
Ebert Whipple: Sarah Neal-Estes
Sarah’s grandfather left behind a volume of messages – and listening to them has helped her understand a man she hardly knew before he died.