Episode 40: Take a Chance

On this edition of B-Side we’re taking a chance as host Andrea Seabrook visits the Reno airport and introduces us to some risk-takers. Originally aired in September 2005.


Liner Notes

Rock Climbing: Leyna Lightman
Sky diving, bunjee jumping, rock climbing…crazy, risky…it’s like these activities really can kill you. A lot of people just don’t get the appeal. Others dig the rush. Leyna Lightman, who has checked out indoor rock climbing, found some adrenaline junkies engaged in the real thing.

From Eritrea with Love: Sara Lerner
Immigrants leave behind family, friends, language, food, land- everything that’s familiar to them, to take a chance. In this story, we hear from a couple who immigrated to the U.S. from East Africa.

3,000 Miles: Emilie Cole 
Sometimes circumstances make us do things we never even thought we would–or could–do. Producer Emilie Cole tells us about a time when she just went for it, even though it took her three thousand miles to get there.

Streaking: Chana Joffe-Walt 
Cody Strauss is thirty and does job coaching in Seattle. But in this story she tells us about the time she busted out of the constraints of her normal life and ran through the streets of Seattle…naked.

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