Rob Sachs Archive

B-Side: Boundaries Part 1

B-Side’s Rob Sachs and Tamara Keith venture out in the rain to try and find the historic Mason-Dixon Line.  Along the way we hear about a pair of European villages that share the most

B-Side: Lost

On this edition of B-Side, Tamara Keith and Charla Bear get lost on purpose.  They are dropped off in a mysterious suburban location and have to find their way back to downtown Washington, DC. 

B-Side: Dawn

In zoology, crepuscular refers to animals becoming active at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds. On this edition of B-Side we look at what humans do between the

B-Side: Food and Coping

How do you cope with a rough day? Perhaps some comfort food? On this edition of B-Side we’re talking about food and coping. First: B-Side’s Tamara Keith cooks up a pot of her mom’s

B-Side: Extraordinary Clues

Two shows we love, combined into one: The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People meets Clues.  First, B-Side’s Tamara Keith suits up for a game of roller hockey and brings us stories of ordinary people