Tamara Keith Archive

B-Side: Games and Nerds Part 2

We started out putting together a show we were planning to call “Nerd Alert.” But soon we realized that most of our stories were really about games…nerdy games, but games nonetheless. So, B-Side’s Tamara

B-Side: Games and Nerds Part 1

We started out putting together a show we were planning to call “Nerd Alert.” But soon we realized that most of our stories were really about games…nerdy games, but games nonetheless. So, B-Side’s Tamara

B-Side: Dusk

In zoology, crepuscular refers to animals becoming active at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds. On this edition of B-Side Tamara Keith and Rene Gutel explore dusk, with

B-Side: Dawn

In zoology, crepuscular refers to animals becoming active at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds. On this edition of B-Side we look at what humans do between the

B-Side: Food and Coping

How do you cope with a rough day? Perhaps some comfort food? On this edition of B-Side we’re talking about food and coping. First: B-Side’s Tamara Keith cooks up a pot of her mom’s

B-Side: Family

B-Side’s Tamara Keith meets up with her younger brother, Donovan, at a family fun center to play some ski ball and talk about family. From birth to beyond the grave, this edition of B-Side

B-Side: Extraordinary Clues

Two shows we love, combined into one: The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People meets Clues.  First, B-Side’s Tamara Keith suits up for a game of roller hockey and brings us stories of ordinary people